
Company statute, the Senate votes yes

The bill will be approved by the end of the summer by the Industry Commission of Palazzo Madama – In view of several corrections with respect to the text approved by the Chamber, which will then be responsible for the definitive launch.

Company statute, the Senate votes yes

The draft law on the corporate statute will obtain the yes of the Senate by the end of the summer. An important step even if the goal will not be definitive, because the text will probably undergo more than one adjustments compared to the one already approved by the Chamber, which therefore will then in turn have to approve the corrections and allow for the definitive launch. “There are some critical points - admits Cesare Cursi, the president of the Industry commission of Palazzo Madama, who is examining the provision -. Among these, the issue of procurement: simplification for small and medium-sized enterprises must be linked to the identification of the so-called reserves intended for them. And also on the subject of private negotiation there is the problem of raising the ceiling. Then there are the question of the representation of small and medium-sized enterprises and of the lots assigned directly for tenders, the latter issue on which the observations and remarks of ANCE and also of the European Community have been raised”.

In any case, "should there be few amendments – Cursi points out – and the opinion of the Budget commission were to arrive quickly, we could verify the possibility of examining the provision in the legislative forum". A process that would shorten the time and would allow the finish line to be crossed by the summer. It will be seen on the 22nd, at noon (deadline set for the presentation of the amendments), how many and what the correction hypotheses are.
