- General states in progress at Villa Pamphili in Rome are resumed with the presentation of Colao project, i.e. the set of proposals put together by task force led by the former CEO of Vodafone that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte first called and then snubbed. It is the first time that Colao has been able to meet and present the fruit of the work of the task force to the prime minister and the government.
The Government will implement some of the proposals of the Colao project and will reject others, i.e. those that appear politically more thorny, such as those that resize the so-called dignity decree at the time elaborated by the then Minister of Labor, Luigi Di Maio, who had to work miracles and instead contributed, with his rigidity, to aggravate unemployment.
In reality, under pressure from the international authorities but also from the President Sergio Mattarella and by the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco, as well as from the partners of the Democratic Party and Italia Viva themselves, the premier realizes that he cannot conclude the States-General empty-handed. And in fact, according to when it filters through Palazzo Chigi, the Government has prepared a draft plan to relaunch the economy but it looks like a dream book, because it includes 55 points but does not make any selection and therefore he is careful not to indicate priorities, which alone could make the plan sustainable.
For the moment it is known that the Government, as Conte himself declared at the press conference, is thinking above all of theHigh speed also for the South – which will imply the Bridge over the Strait, so indigestible to the Five Stars, since yesterday back in turmoil after the blatant clash between the revived Di Battista and the founder Beppe Grillo - and think of the Green economy, in line with President Ursula Von der Leyen's European plan, and with the development of digitization, also in relation to the reorganization of work that the lockdown has made even more topical.
However, it will be interesting to see how Conte will deal with the real mine facing the government in the next few days, namely whether or not to join the Mes, which would guarantee 36 billion immediately to Italy without conditions to support and reorganize the health system after the very hard test of the pandemic. Emma Bonino, the leader of +Europe, has in fact presented a parliamentary motion to the Senate which obliges the Government to pronounce itself in favor but - despite the equally favorable opinion of the Mes of Pd and Italia Viva - Conte will have to resort to the usual acrobatics in order not to dissatisfy the grillini, who instead continue to see the Mes as smoke and mirrors and would like to condemn Italy to give up, out of pure ideological prejudice, the 36 billion needed like bread for Italy and its health system.
Certainly in favor of the Mes he will pronounce on Wednesday the new Confindustria by Carlo Bonomi, who will present himself to the States General of Villa Pamphili and who will certainly not make concessions to the Government. So far the Rome event has been a walk in the park, but sparks are not excluded from the next few hours.