
Startup, run your business with only 1 online platform

The service, created by a 34-year-old Italian engineer, is already used by several small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy with turnover sizes ranging from 500 to 40 million euros and is applied to various sectors

Startup, run your business with only 1 online platform

A single online platform to manage every aspect of the life of a business. This is the idea from which Danilo Rea, 34-year-old Italian engineer, founder and CEO of the startup started. It is a new business management system based on the SweetHive Context-Sharing platform, created by the innovative startup Werea, which allows any entrepreneur to manage their company, or group of companies online, with a single easy and flexible tool, available also for iOS and Android.

“The service we have developed – explains Danilo – is already used by various small and medium-sized enterprises in Italy, with turnover ranging from 500 to 40 million euros and is applied transversally to various sectors, from manufacturing to retail, up to to service companies, such as marketing agencies”.

Werea was born on Halloween night in 2014 "from the union of two experiences, mine and my father's - continues Danilo - To start the project, I left my career as Project Manager in the Metals sector to leave for the 'Plug&Play incubator in Silicon Valley, where I spent a few months. My father, Bernardino, instead brought his 25 years of experience in management consultancy for SMEs to our company.

This dual contribution in Werea, combined with a team of highly qualified professionals both in the creation of Cloud architectures and in Management and Management Consulting, has ensured that such a particularly complex initial project found, in a very short time, easy and transversal solutions for users on the cloud platform”. by Werea allows you to have a single interface to keep all aspects of your business under control: "Sharing a single tool for the total management of your business reality (from the commercial department, to the administrative area, up to the personnel) makes it possible to considerably lower the costs associated with organization and management – ​​concludes Danilo – Finally, is also a useful platform for those who have to manage more than one company: in fact, with our tool, each company is managed as a “Place” and an Entrepreneur can have multiple businesses in his “Hive” and manage them as separate items”.
