
Stalking, bullying, cyberbullying, femicide: a book by two lawyers in defense of women

"Women cut flowers" is the title of a new book against violence against women by two lawyers - Cesare Triberti and Maddalena Castellani - published by goware and just released in bookstores

Stalking, bullying, cyberbullying, femicide: a book by two lawyers in defense of women

The phenomena of stalking and feminicide, which have entered forcefully into the judicial and journalistic chronicles, have spread without being able to put a valid brake on them, despite numerous legislative interventions.

The Milanese lawyers Cesare Triberti and Maddalena Castellani investigate these two phenomena by analyzing their similarities and differences in the new book Donne fiori recisi. From stalking, to bullying, to cyberbullying, to feminicide (goWare, 2018).

Their analysis uses legal norms and neuroscience to lead the reader on a journey through the psychic deviances underlying these and similar behaviors, following their development over time and sometimes finding its origin in the phenomenon of bullying.

The book goes beyond the story of pure crime news, to become a tool for understanding these phenomena, to be used alongside the texts of existing laws, in particular the legislation on stalking and bullying.


Cesare Triberti, lawyer in Milan, expert in IT law, copyright and health law. Visiting professor at the Faculdade de Direito de Itù (Brazil) and lecturer at the Milan Polytechnic and CME courses at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, member of the Ethics Committee of the same hospital, author and co-author of twenty publications.

Maddalena Castellani, lawyer in Milan, expert in IT law, industrial law and copyright. She collaborates with the "Problems of computer science" chair of the Milan Polytechnic and is co-author of the publication concerning the course.
