
Stability, Renzi replies to the EU: "Italy respects the rules on flexibility"

"The flexibility clauses that Italy has asked for were not invented by Italy but are in line with the rules established by the EU itself", specified the prime minister speaking from Malta on Brussels' doubts on the Stability Law - The EU he won't reject Italy but the crux is Tasi.

Stability, Renzi replies to the EU: "Italy respects the rules on flexibility"

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi intervenes from Malta showing confidence in the approval of the Stability Law by the European authorities: "The flexibility clauses that Italy has asked for were not invented by Italy but they are in line with the rules established by the EU itself” in January 2015. In fact, Brussels confirmed the government's growth forecasts, but does not hide its concerns about the path of repayment of the deficit and debt which - for the moment - remains far from the commitments made with the Stability Plan. In March, therefore, another check may be necessary, but Renzi does not seem worried: “We are following a process of recovery of authority, it applies to reforms and to the role of foreign and economic policy”.

However, there is currently no reverse coming from Brussels. The EU will not reject Italy, but will criticize the choice to cut the Tasi instead of taxes on labor thus justifying a possible "no" to flexibility by postponing any decision to March with the risk of having to prepare an encore maneuver in the spring.

Meanwhile, the Stability law continues its parliamentary process with the number of amendments declared inadmissible which has reached 319. Among the proposals that will see the light, however, is the increase from 8 to 16 of the ceiling to benefit from the 'mobile bonus', the Irpef deduction stability for young couples. Green light also for Cor's amendment according to which the super-depreciation will not affect the field studies. Green light also to two similar Fi-Pd 'coordination' amendments which provide for the application of the new VAT rules on the possible decrease note not with reference to the operations carried out from 1 January 2017 but in cases where the transferee or the customer is subject to insolvency proceedings after 31 December 2016.

Magda Zanoni, Pd, rapporteur of the bill, is confident of a rapid development of the discussion and makes it known on her Facebook wall: "If we maintain this pace of work we will be able to respect the times we have given ourselves".
