
Stability, Pd-Pdl: extend no-tax area from 8 thousand to 12 thousand euros

The required coverage is around 1,8 billion and could be guaranteed by a 70% ceiling on public administration expenses - Meanwhile, Ania's protests are coming about the increase in the Ires and Irap down payment: "Irrational, unfair and discriminatory measure" .

Stability, Pd-Pdl: extend no-tax area from 8 thousand to 12 thousand euros

Raise the ceiling for the "no-tax area" of 8 thousand (7.500 euros for pensioners) to 12 thousand euros of annual income from 2014 January XNUMX. This is foreseen by two amendments presented by the Pdl (first signatory Cinzia Bonfrisco) and Pd (first signatory Giancarlo Sangalli) in the Budget Committee in the Senate, which will start examining tomorrow the more than 3 proposed corrections to the former Finance law. The required coverage is approximately 1,8 billion and could be guaranteed by a 70% ceiling on public administration expenditure.

Meanwhile, after the question and answer this morning between Confcommercio and the Minister of the Treasury, Fabrizio Saccomanni, even the insurance companies make their voices heard against some measures that could be part of the maneuver. "The eventuality, anticipated by the Prime Minister, of finding the coverage necessary to compensate for the abolition of the second Imu 2013 installment through an increase in the amount of the next IRES and IRAP advance - reads a note from ANIA - demonstrates that the taxation of this country is now governed by irrational criteria that have unfair effects". 

According to the insurance companies, "the hypothesized measure is completely open to criticism from various points of view: the circumstance of an advance that exceeds the amount of the tax due is already abnormal in itself, in fact there is talk of raising the amount of the down payment, today just over 100%, up to 116-120%; furthermore, changing the percentage of the down payment a few weeks after the payment deadline will force the companies concerned to hastily rethink the management of their financial flows; finally, this measure would be discriminatory, as it is applied exclusively to the banking and insurance sectors".
