
Squinzi: the country needs realpolitik

The president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, speaks at the assembly of industrialists in Turin – He expressed his confidence in Letta's Executive but said that "even before IMU and VAT there are two other more urgent interventions to be made: the payment of public administration debts and the tax wedge of labour”

Squinzi: the country needs realpolitik

"The country is in great need of good governance, of a season of real politik". The president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, addressed the assembly of industrialists in Turin and expressed his confidence in the Executive. “In these two months of the Letta government we have seen and appreciated some results, even if still timid – he said – Now we need a burst of pride and a proposal”.

Squinzi spoke of the EU, in particular of an EU "uncertain about completing political and economic integration" which "has penalized the weakest countries like ours and closed itself in an obstinate and harmful rigorism". Then a slight attack on the government's priorities: "Even before IMU and VAT there are two other more urgent interventions to be made - said the number one of the industrialists - which are the payment of public administration debts and the tax wedge on labour" .

Finally, on the Fiat-Confindustria issue, Squinzi said: "I have seen Marchionne, the personal relationship with him is excellent but at the moment we are absolutely not talking about a return of Fiat to Confindustria". “If Fiat decides to return – he added – it will do so independently, we will not exert pressure, we respect his will. Confindustria is an association which you can join if you are convinced, we don't force anyone, we are open to all those who are entrepreneurs and manufacturers by trade”.
