
Mediaset's Sprint on the Stock Exchange after Serie A TV rights agreement

The Alfa races to Piazza Affari, driven by the agreement on TV rights which assigns it the matches of the eight main teams on digital terrestrial - Analysts are also positive: Exane raises the judgment to neutral from underperform by betting on the agreement with Al-Jazeera for the pay tv.

Mediaset's Sprint on the Stock Exchange after Serie A TV rights agreement

The Mediaset stock runs in Piazza Affari, achieving the best performance of the Ftse Mib with an increase of over 4%, to 3,638 euros per share.

Driving the actions is the effect ofTV rights deal is preferably used for Series A 2015-2018, which saw the Alfa group win the matches of the eight main teams on digital terrestrial, while the entire package went to Sky on the satellite platform.

However, the purchases of Mediaset stock can also be explained by some positive assessments by analysts of Exane, who bet on the agreement with Al-Jazeera for pay-TV and raise the rating from underperform to neutral.
