
Food waste, Banco Bpm adheres to “No.W!No Waste”

Banco BMP adheres to the No.W project! No Waste to contribute to the fight against food waste - The platform that combines supply and demand to prevent food from being thrown away

Food waste, Banco Bpm adheres to “No.W!No Waste”

Food waste has environmental, economic and social impacts. The banking group led by Giuseppe Castagna adheres to the “NO.W! No Waste”, the platform developed by ThinkAbout makes it possible to purchase products from the food and wine supply chain at a discounted price which would otherwise be wasted due to surplus stock or due to aesthetic or packaging defects.

FAO estimates that about 1,3 billion tons of food is wasted every year (equal to 1/3 of the total production intended for consumption). In Italy, food waste has an economic value of around 13 billion euros a year. This only increases the social disparity between those who waste and those who have nothing to eat.

In addition, it contributes to global pollution, being responsible for 4,8 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, with a consumption of 180 billion cubic meters of water. At the same time, the demand for food continues to grow and by 2050, according to the FAO, the demand will increase by about 70% without guaranteeing food security for everyone.

Therefore, food waste is configured as a real emergency, it not only has ethical and economic implications, but its reduction would help reduce pollution, save money and convey a message of attention to the planet's resources.

In this context fits the Project NO.W! No Waste which fully responds to the UN Global Goals 2030, where the fight against food waste is one of the objectives of the World Food Programme.

“We are proud of this initiative of our Group – he commented Salvatore Poloni, Co-General Manager of Banco BPM –. For Banco BPM it means contributing, thanks to the activity of colleagues, to undertaking an initiative of ethical consumption to contribute to the development of a circular and sustainable economy. Once again the Bank adheres to a sustainability objective and is committed to completing it in a concrete way".

“The Banco BPM Group – added Salvatore Poloni – has, in fact, embarked on an ambitious path of integrating sustainability into its activities starting from governance, with the establishment of an ESG Management Committee chaired by the Chief Executive Officer, which promotes and coordinates all initiatives on environmental issues and gender equality. This commitment has allowed Banco BPM to receive a positive outlook from Standard Ethics analysts”.
