
Spread Btp-Bund returns below 270 bps

The yield differential between the 10-year BTP and the Bund reached an opening low of 267 basis points, the lowest level since last June 5th.

Spread Btp-Bund returns below 270 bps

Positive opening for Italian government bonds. The interest rate on the ten-year BTP fell to 4,394%, from 4,446% at the end of yesterday's session. The spread with German bonds returned below 270 basis points, reaching a minimum of 267, the lowest level since last June 5th. Yesterday the yield spread closed at 274 basis points. 

In the same minutes Piazza Affari travels in negative territory of 0,7%. Especially bad for Fiat (-1,64%), Diasorin (-1,64%) and Banca Pop Milano (-1,59%).
