
Movements: new self-certification and maximum fines on the way

The self-certification changes again: in addition to the residence, the domicile must be indicated - The decree approved which provides for fines of up to 3.000 euros and imprisonment of up to 5 years for those who leave after having tested positive - Excluded for now restrictions until 31 July: deadline confirmed as April 3, then it will be evaluated.

Movements: new self-certification and maximum fines on the way

The new emergency decree (that of 22 March) imposes a further restriction on travel and therefore from today a new self-certification is required, as always downloadable from the Viminale website (here is the link, if you don't have a printer at home you have to copy the text by hand). The novelty is that the declarer in addition to the residence, the domicile must also be indicated, and that he is obliged to indicate from where the move started and the destination.

As regards the reasons, the "proven work needs", the "health reasons" and the "situation of necessity" remain, while the item "absolute urgency" replaces that of the "return to one's home, home or residence", as the Dpcm of 22 March is implemented which prohibits transfers from one Municipality to another (in the same Municipality the "situation of necessity" remains to be demonstrated). The new measures are valid, as specified by the director of the Superior Council of Health Franco Locatelli, “until 3 April. At the moment it is absolutely excluded that they will be extended to 31 July. We will evaluate how to proceed close to April 3 ".

Even the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte specified that "it is not true that there will be restrictions until July 31st. That is the space of the emergency, not of the restrictive measures. Indeed we are ready to loosen those measures as soon as possible, well before the hypothetical deadline of July ".

In short, stricter rules, perhaps extendable over time and above all more severe penalties for those who do not respect them. In fact, the Ministry of the Interior has acknowledged that the complaints on Monday 23 March alone numbered over 10 thousand: this is perhaps because the violation of article 650 of the penal code, which provides for arrest for up to three months as an alternative to a fine of up to 206 euros, was not a sufficient deterrent.

Administrative sanctions are therefore on the way, more immediate and above all harsher: Minister Vincenza Lamorgese, in confrontation with Palazzo Chigi and the Ministry of Justice, has pushed for the inclusion of a fine of up to 4 thousand euros in the text. In the afternoon, the CDM approved the decree, incorporating the novelty: fines from 400 to 3.000 euros (but without the addition of the detention of the vehicle, as initially assumed) and also the stop of up to 30 days for commercial activities that do not comply with the restrictive measures.

Not only that: for those who are positive for the virus and violate the quarantine is now foreseen a maximum sentence of 5 years of imprisonment. Finally, the possibility has been added for regional presidents to issue more restrictive ordinances in the territories with the greatest circulation of the virus, provided they are validated within seven days by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. 

Article updated at 10.23 on Wednesday 25 March
