
Spesometro 2017: deadline extended to 5 October due to technical problems

After the online service went haywire, the Revenue Agency announced a fourth extension of the deadline for submitting tax documents - Penalties can be frozen until October 13, but at the discretion of the local Revenue offices - According to the accountants these countermeasures are not enough

Spesometro 2017: deadline extended to 5 October due to technical problems

There is no peace for it Spesometer 2017. By extension by extension, the deadline by which VAT number holders will have to communicate to the tax authorities the invoices issued and received in the first half of the year has been moved from the September 28 to the October 5. Calendar in hand, the deadline for the 2017 survey has thus reached its fourth extension. The reason for the latest slip? A technical mess.

To access the 2017 spesometer online from the Revenue Agency website, you need to look for the "Invoices and Payments" service, which has gone haywire in recent days. After a period of chaos, the Agency has restored service, but only partially, as several functions are still out of order. Currently, anyone trying to log in is presented with this message:

Precisely because of these technical problems that blocked the site, on Monday the Agenzia delle Entrate launched the extension of the deadline for the 2017 survey from 28 September to 5 October.

But that probably won't be enough. Given the disruption of service, Italian Business Network had asked the Government for "an extension of at least 20 days" and the "non-punishment for errors or omissions concerning the data of both invoices and VAT payments made by 31 December 2017, if they are corrected by 31 January 2018".

The tax authorities decided to be less magnanimous: "The Agency's offices, where they encounter objective difficulties for taxpayers - reads a note - will evaluate the possibility of not applying the sanctions for mere material errors and/or in the event that the fulfillment was made after 5 October, but within 15 days of the original deadline". Translation: the fines may be frozen until October 13, but at the discretion of the local revenue offices.

The solution is not liked by the National Council of Chartered Accountants: "While appreciating the initiative of director Ruffini - explains a note - who, within the limits of his powers, is trying to manage choices, problems and errors generated by others, the fact remains that this new, yet another extension is, exactly like the others, absolutely insufficient. We ask that the Government now provide for a more effective solution to this situation, with more radical choices, starting with the revision of the institution".

As for the sindacati – Adc, Aidc, Anc, Andoc, Unagraco, Ungdcec, Unico – in a letter addressed to the deputy minister Luigi Casero and to the director of the Revenue, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, (and for information to the president of the Cndcec, Massimo Miani) had urged, among another, "an urgent meeting of the technical table" to evaluate the possibility of considering the fulfillment as "an experimental shipment". Extended four times.

Read also: Spesometro 2017: instructions in 4 points
