
Spending review, those 11 entities cut

11 institutions have been suppressed: Inran, Odi, Arcus spa, the Experimental Cinematography Center Foundation, the Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Assets, the National Microcredit Body, the “Luigi Einaudi” Association, the Valore Italia foundation, for road and motorway infrastructures, Isvap and Covip.

Spending review, those 11 entities cut

Scissoring useless institutions to help cut costs? Titanic undertaking, difficult to achieve. The rule on the spending review, which has allowed the cut of 11 institutions, will take care of giving a hand. But the public administration minister Filippo Patroni Griffi himself speaks of "resistance" and must acknowledge the "partial" result in the thinning work. An accusation and an admission that the minister makes by accounting for the outcome of the commitment undertaken following an odg (first signatory David Favia, IDV), which points the finger at the failed suppression of useless entities, consequently urging a survey and a census of existing non-economic public bodies. This too is a very difficult undertaking.

The point of reference is a decree of 2008 (n.112, art.26) which provides for the guillotine for entities not reorganized according to precise provisions. "Due to the numerous exceptions introduced during the conversion process of this decree - notes Patroni Griffi - as well as the resistance put forward by the supervisory administrations, it was only possible to partially achieve the objective of effective reduction of the entities in question", acknowledges the minister.

"Albeit limited", the process of reorganization of the bodies has led – however Patroni Griffi is keen to point out – a rationalization of the collective bodies "with the elimination of 480 members and a reduction in the structural expenditure of the supervising administrations with an overall saving for 2009 about 415 million". Not exactly up-to-date data, which testifies to the difficulty of proceeding, of making an inventory of the institutions and verifying their activity in order to then proceed with possible mergers and cuts. In any case, assures Patroni Griffi - "we are proceeding to acquire the necessary documentation from the entities concerned to carry out the required monitoring".

This summer's provision on the review of public spending is now helping to lend a hand to the thinning out of many bodies and institutions. And under those laws, 11 institutions were suppressed. It is the minister himself who makes the list: INRAN (national research institute for food and nutrition), ODI (guideline body), Arcus spa, the Experimental Cinema Center Foundation, the Central institute for sound and audiovisual assets, the national institution for microcredit, the Italian association of cooperative studies "Luigi Einaudi", the Valore Italia foundation, the agency for road and motorway infrastructures, Isvap and Covip (whose functions will have to pass to the newly established Ivarp).
