The Minister for cultural heritage and activities and for tourism, Dario Franceschini, as announced during the hearing before the Senate Education Commission, signed the decree allocating a further 6,8 million euros to support the realities of the world of show that did not receive contributions from Fus in 2019.
These resources add up to the 20 million already allocated for this purpose from the cinema and entertainment emergency funds, making it possible to satisfy all the numerous applications received by the deadline of 25 May. According to the procedure established by the Directorate General for Entertainment, the resources will be divided into equal parts for each beneficiary and will be donated to the subjects who have applied in compliance with four simple requirements: provide for the performance of live entertainment activities in the statute or in the deed of incorporation; have a registered office in Italy; not having received contributions from the FUS in 2019; have held a minimum of 1 performances between 2019 January 29 and 2020 February 15 and have paid social security contributions for at least 45 working days, or, alternatively, have hosted, in the period between 1 January 2019 and 29 February 2020 , a minimum of 10 performances being up to date with the payment of social security contributions. “No artist will be forgotten – declares Minister Franceschini – no actor, no musician as well as no worker in the entertainment world.
This additional allocation helps to respond to the many small realities that operate in the theatre, music, dance and circus sectors without state support and therefore exposed to greater uncertainties. A world made up of professionals used to making a living from their talent who are now experiencing a moment of hard difficulty and deserve the full support of the institutions.