
Spa bonus 2024: up to 250 thousand euros to relaunch the sector. Who deserves it and when does it arrive?

The bonus will be paid for three years and will have a total allocation of 30 million euros. Compared to previous interventions, this one is designed directly for companies in the sector that want to redevelop. VAT discounts are also coming. Here are all the details

Spa bonus 2024: up to 250 thousand euros to relaunch the sector. Who deserves it and when does it arrive?

Coming soon a new spa bonus aimed at reviving the sector. And the proposed two amendments presented to the Budget Committee by Lega and Forza Italia. The amendments propose the establishment of a spa bonus in favor of companies in the sector, with the aim of encouraging investments for the redevelopment of spa facilities. L'bonus amount it is expected to be 250 thousand euros and will be paid in the form of a tax credit, covering 50% of the expenses incurred for the restructuring of spa companies. The proposal is included in the Pnrr Law Decree and aims to promote a healthy lifestyle and improve psychophysical well-being through financial support to companies in the spa sector.

Spa bonus: who is it aimed at?

In the past, the spa bonus was associated with discounts offered to citizens for spa services. This time, however, the government's focus is oriented towards new incentives and benefits for companies in the sector aiming for their redevelopment.

The new bonus consists of a 50% tax credit on renovation costs supported by spa companies, up to a maximum of 250.000 euros per beneficiary. Although therefore different from previous bonuses, the objective remains the same: to relaunch the spa sector.

Spa bonus: when does it arrive?

The new bonus should arrive already during the year and will paid for three years, from 2024 to 2026, with a maximum of 250.000 euros for each beneficiary. This tax credit it will not affect your taxes such as Ires, Irpef and Irap, nor on the deductibility of passive interest. The bonus will have a total budget of 30 million euros, divided into 10 million per year from 2024 to 2026.

The spa bonus will be subject to further details which will be made known through a specific decree. This decree should be issued within two months of the decree itself being converted into law. The requirements necessary to access the bonus will be communicated, as will the methods for requesting it. If the government approves everything immediately after Easter, the access rules and the bonus they could be available by the end of May.

Spa sector: VAT discount also arrives

The two amendments presented by the majority include the possibility for spa companies to deduct VAT until the end of 2027 for a series of costs related to spa activity, such as the acquisition, construction, expansion and renovation of properties intended for the exercise of spa activities. The VAT discount would also apply to acquiring, developing, carrying out or implementing research and development projects, as well as temporary work. The VAT relating to investments will be accounted for separately and will always be deductible.
