Reorganization in the world of cooperatives. The Solidarietà e Servizi social cooperative sold the business branch relating to contracted services for minors to the Progetto A social cooperative, with over 600 employees and around 19.000 users in various regions. Solidarity and Services, based in Busto Arsizio (VA) has been active since 1979 and is part of Confcooperative. In 2019 it recorded revenues of 27,1 million euros. The president is Domenico Pietrantonio, who also holds the position of vice president of Confcooperative Insubria. Overall, before the sale, Solidarietà e Servizi had around 1.370 employees.
Progetto A, founded in 1995, has its operational headquarters in Agrate Brianza (MB) and is part of the KCS Consortium. In 2019, the production value reached 15,2 million euros. The president is Eros Giampiero Ferri. Before the acquisition of the company branch, there were 856 employees. Progetto A has diversified its business over the years, which now includes 60 services in various Italian regions. The "core business" remains the well-being of the minor.
Solidarietà e Servizi has decided to sell the business branch to concentrate on what has historically been its main activity, i.e. the management of daytime and residential services for disabled people and their job placement. With the operation Project A acquired the operational structure and know-how of Solidarietà e Servizi in the contracted services sector for minors. The company branch sold covers various activities, including pre- and post-school services, day recreation centres, canteen assistance and educational assistance and support in schools for minors and disabled minors.
Solidarietà e Servizi was assisted by the lawyers Stefano Bombelli and Giacomo Mazzoleni (SZA law firm) for the legal, civil and contractual aspects, by the lawyers Federico Trombetta and Gianluca Crespi (Elexia Avvocati & Commercialisti) for the labor law aspects, and by dott. Massimiliano Tonarini (GFT & Partners associated professional studio) for corporate and tax aspects.
Project A was instead assisted by the lawyer. Enrico Di Ienno (Di Ienno & Partners Law Firm) for the legal, civil and contractual aspects, by the lawyer. Luca Pelliccelli (Pellicelli and Associates Law Firm) for labor law aspects, and by Dr. Antonio Lima for corporate, tax and administrative aspects.