
Money, learning savings at school desks

A bill has been presented in the Senate which aims to introduce adequate training for the conscious management of one's own resources into the education of children.

Money, learning savings at school desks

Starting from school age to understand the economic mechanisms and therefore to protect one's savings. "Education to economic citizenship has become particularly topical after the serious crisis of 2008. In all advanced countries, the lack of adequate information on economic mechanisms has in fact heavily affected the protection of savings". Senator Pd Maria Leddi starts from these considerations in presenting, in the Culture Committee of Palazzo Madama, the bill ("Rules for the education to economic citizenship") which aims at adequate training for a conscious management of one's own resources.

A bill that matches the one on financial education to the attention of the Industry commission, also in the Senate. The text includes a educational training program aimed at young people, with the aim of increasing skills, knowledge and skills, "in order to have in the future an ever-increasing number of adults capable of making informed decisions and able to operate within their own economic environment ”.

The experimentation will be launched in schools of all types and levels, including primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools with an economic citizenship educational program aimed at young people, which should become an integral part of the curricula schools, in the context of the teaching of "Citizenship and the Constitution" through the training of teachers.

"The last few years have shown a growing difficulty of Italian families in managing their budget, moreover traditionally characterized by a strong propensity to save – underlines Leddi, who in addition to being the first signatory of the bill is also its rapporteur -. In times of crisis, it is necessary to be able to carefully evaluate the different possibilities for allocating resources, especially since Italians are not used to getting into debt, but suffer an insidious advertising bombardment every day in this sense. Given the potential risk of over-indebtedness, there is therefore a need to refine assessment skills, starting from the youngest age groups. Similar attention must also be paid to social security needs, especially since some choices, such as the launch of accumulation plans, for example, must be made in a timely manner”.
