
Société Générale, 2.000 jobs at risk

According to trade unions, the French bank is preparing to launch a five-year restructuring plan which provides for the elimination of 2.000 jobs in its branches between now and 2020.

Société Générale, 2.000 jobs at risk

Still tensions on job cuts in France: after the case of Air France, whose images of the revolt of employees have been around the world, this time it is Société Générale, the first transalpine bank, to end up in the eye of the storm. the institute, presided over this year by the Italian manager Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, could in fact announce that the five-year restructuring plan provides for the elimination of 2.000 jobs in its branches between now and 2020, or about 20% of the entire workforce of the agencies on the national territory.

While the unions are already on a war footing, the bank has not yet confirmed the figure, arguing that it will first be agreed with the social forces. But the fact remains that recently layoffs are accelerating: according to the unions, Société Générale intends to close as many as 74 branches between now and 2016, thus eliminating almost 150 jobs: “This is 60% of the total headcount of those branches – explains the union -, much more than 30-50% recorded in the past”. 
