
Snam: gas flows from Algeria are back to normal after the cut caused by the attack

A spokesman for the company reveals that "gas flows from Algeria have returned to normal today and are expected to be around 75 million cubic metres" - Yesterday there was a 17% cut after the al Qaeda attack on the gas field In Amenas.

Gas flows from Algeria to Italy have returned to normal after the cut recorded yesterday following the attack by al Qaeda against the In Amenas field. This was stated by a spokesman for Snam, the company that owns most of the Italian gas pipelines, including the "Transmed" which lands in Mazara del Vallo, from which supplies had arrived in the last few hours reduced by 17%. 

"Gas flows from Algeria today returned to normal and are expected to be around 75 million cubic metres," the spokesman revealed. 

It should be remembered that Italy imports about 32% of the total gas from Algeria. A possible new cut in supplies, in any case, does not risk producing a real emergency in our country, both because the Italian winter is not particularly harsh for now, and because, in addition to storage, Italy can always make use of of supplies from Russia.

By mid-morning, Snam shares gained 0,22% in Piazza Affari.
