
Snam completes the acquisition of the stake held by CDP GAS in TAG

Snam completed the acquisition of the investment held by CDP GAS in Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH (TAG), approved by the Board of Directors on 12 September 2014.

In compliance with the resolution of the Snam Board of Directors of 17 December 2014, adopted in execution of the resolution of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 10 December last, against the transfer to Snam of the entire investment in TAG held by CDP GAS (equal to 84,47% of the share capital, which holds 89,22% of the economic rights), Snam has issued, and CDP GAS subscribed and fully paid up, 119 million Snam ordinary shares, with no expressed par value, with regular entitlement (subject subject to inalienability until completion of the checks referred to in Article 2343, paragraph 3, of the Italian Civil Code), and paid to CDP GAS an amount equal to Euro 3.058.000. Snam repaid CDP GAS the shareholder loan disbursed by the latter to TAG for a total amount which as of today is equal to Euro 238.485.775.

Snam's capital increase amounted to Euro 501.942.000, of which Euro 376.278.000 as share premium.
Snam made use of Rothschild and UniCredit for the valuation and financial activities, while for the legal and contractual aspects of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton LL.P.
