
Smartphone, Huawei bypasses Apple and targets Samsung

In the second quarter of 2018, Huawei sold more devices in Europe than Apple, which thus drops to third place in the ranking of manufacturers – Samsung is still in first place, however it records a sharp decline – Same trend on a global scale

Smartphone, Huawei bypasses Apple and targets Samsung

Here comes a historic overtaking, one of those that count to win the race for the last smartphone in a market that continues to struggle. Chinese giant Huawei sold 6,7 million mobile devices in Western Europe from April to June. In the same period, Apple stopped at 6,1 million. Numbers that attest without a shadow of a doubt that the impressive growth recorded by Huawei has even allowed it to overtake Cupertino.

Samsung remains in first place, with 8,8 million smartphones put on the market (down from the previous 10,3 million).

Going into details, in the second quarter, according to data from IDC, the Chinese company has achieved a growth of 75%, against the decline of rivals and the entire sector.

The Verge analysts released further numbers. In the months from April to June in Western Europe, smartphone deliveries amounted to 27,2 million units, a slight decrease compared to 28,5 million in the same period of 2017. The vast majority of them belong to the three manufacturers mentioned: Samsung, Huawei and Apple. However, the latter, like the Koreans, recorded a marked decrease in deliveries, which fell from 6,8 to 6,1 million.

Off the podium is another Chinese, Xiaomi, whose European deliveries score a marked improvement, rising from 36 thousand to one million units. You complete the Wiko quintet, down from 935 to 818 devices delivered.

Globally, the picture confirms Huawei's gallop, but in this case the increase is 40,9%, against a a very modest plus 0,7 percent for Apple and a worrying drop for Samsung (-10,4%). On a global scale dThe odds are broken down as follows: Samsung maintains its leadership with 20,9%, Huawei rises to second place with 15,8%, Apple falls to third with 12,1%, Xiaomi in fourth with 9,3 and Oppo in fifth with 8,6 .
