
Smart working and the environment, the case of Graded and Open Fiber

The energy company from Campania, thanks to the optical fiber of Open Fiber, has managed to reduce CO35 emissions by 2 tons in a month.

Smart working and the environment, the case of Graded and Open Fiber

Agile working and environmental protection go hand in hand. It is no mystery that the lockdown, despite its dramatic consequences on the Italian and world economy, has had beneficial implications from the point of view of sustainability: in just one month, the Neapolitan company Graded has led to a reduction of about 35 tons of CO2 emitted into the air. The result was also possible thanks to the optical fiber installed by Open Fiber, which provided decisive support for remote monitoring, Internet of Things and augmented reality projects.

Graded has been active for over 60 years in the market for the design, construction and management of highly efficient energy production plants: this is why the possibility, in particular, of remote monitoring of processes has contributed to this important result in terms of emissions savings. A case certainly not unique, but significant.

“The great environmental and social challenges that we are facing – commented Vito Grassi, managing director of Graded and president of Confindustria Campania – require a profound rethinking of our development model and a new organizational work culture. A process which started some years ago and which will be destined to accelerate after this tsunami which has hit the global economy: sustainability will have to become more and more an obligation for companies, the mirror of a renewed mentality and sensitivity of management, called to optimize processes and products to minimize their environmental footprint”.

Not only smart working therefore, but above all continuous search for new technological solutions aimed at increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable sources (from solar to biomass, from cogeneration to geothermal), which represent the main pillars of the energy transition. Together, they can provide for the reduction of more than 90% of CO2 emissions related to the energy required.

“Digital development, security and sustainability are the three main levers of our mission – he underlines instead Elisabetta Ripa, CEO of Open Fiber – even more so in a delicate and complex moment like the one the whole country is going through. Since the start of the current emergency, we have intensified the efforts necessary to support citizens, businesses and public administrations in the indispensable process of technological growth that Open Fiber has set out to undertake since its establishment. Also in terms of a conscious and profound incentive for smart working, a form of work that can best express its potential only through cutting-edge telecommunications networks".
