
rendimax website and app: new digital identity for Banca Ifis deposit accounts

Rendimax, Banca Ifis' high-yield deposit account turns 5 and has decided to celebrate by giving itself a new "digital identity" through two tools: the new website and the rendimax App – The App will allow rendimax customers to resign with Customer Service at any time and wherever they are.

rendimax website and app: new digital identity for Banca Ifis deposit accounts

Rendimax, Banca IFIS's high-yield deposit account turns 5 and has decided to celebrate by giving itself a new "digital identity" through two tools: the new website and the rendimax App. First of all the renewal of the website, which still maintains the characteristics of simplicity, transparency and security. Also optimized for mobile browsing (starting from Wednesday 18 December), the new platform presents its contents in a more immediate way, to allow visitors to use them better.

The rendimax App is already available to users. The new App is the result of the collaboration between Banca IFIS and its customers, who have requested via the rendimax Facebook fan page or twitter profile to be able to manage the deposit account on the go. The App is available for both iOS and Android, it is completely free and can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) or the Play Store (Android). Using Apprendimax, customers will be able to access the Reserved Area to consult the list of movements and the balance, activate a constraint, feed rendimax Like, make recalls and transfers.

The App will allow rendimax customers to contact Customer Service at any time and wherever they are, to consult the FAQs and ask questions about their deposit account. Through the App it will also be possible to access all the useful information and news on the world of savings and finance with the articles of the SalvaRisparmio blog. Since its inception in 2008, rendimax has developed, with more and more services dedicated to customers. With them he co-created one of its declinations, rendimax Like, born in social networks: a new high-performance solution, created thanks to the needs of customers and web people.
