
Syria, will Italy grant the US the bases of Aviano and Sigonella?

Russia's pressure on our country weighs on consultations – Before entrusting an assignment, Mattarella wants to understand if a future government with the League and the 5 Star Movement would remain faithful to Italy's traditional scheme of international alliances.

Syria, will Italy grant the US the bases of Aviano and Sigonella?

Italy is called to choose sides in the conflict that threatens to arise in Syria between the United States and Russia. While US President Donald Trump receives the support of France and Great Britain - ready to support a missile attack against the Assad regime, accused of an alleged chemical attack in Douma - Moscow is pressing our country. The Kremlin's goal is to prevent the Government of Rome from granting the foundations of Aviano e Sigonella for any raids against Damascus.

The words spoken yesterday by the Russian president should be read in this light Vladimir Putin, who defined Italy as "a key partner on the European continent", assuring that Moscow is "ready to develop its collaboration with Rome on international issues". And it is no coincidence that in the same hours the number two of the US embassy in Rome, Kelly Dignan, paid a visit to Palazzo Chigi.

The question is also of central importance in the Italian consultations, of which the second cycle begins today. The president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, wants to see clearly before entrusting a pre-assignment or an exploratory assignment. Colle's concern is that the new government could break or in any case undermine the traditional network of international alliances with what was the western axis in terms of the cold war.

Indeed, in the majority that is taking shape, a crucial role must be attributed to Matteo Salvini's League, which has always been openly pro-Putin. A more nuanced position on the part of the 5 Star Movement, which has always supported the need to re-establish relations with Russia. In short, the geopolitical position of our country is at stake.

Meanwhile, yesterday American and NATO planes took off from the Sigonella base and flew over the area close to the Syrian borders on a surveillance mission. "It is a patrol - qualified sources tell ANSA - of an ordinary nature, which takes place every day and which falls within the scope of the activities of the anti-ISIS coalition".
