
Syria: Assad counterattacks on Aleppo, Turkey closes borders

The civil war continues in Syria, a few days after the attacks in Damascus in which the defense minister lost his life - Government forces counterattack towards Aleppo, bombing the rebels - At least 45 dead at the moment - Turkey closes the borders.

Syria: Assad counterattacks on Aleppo, Turkey closes borders

Keep going crazy, in Syria, the civil war between loyalists and dissenters, which, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, has already claimed 45 victims, a number inevitably destined to grow. Today, a few days after the attacks in Damascus, in which the defense minister also lost his life, he left the real counterattack of the government.

Thousands of soldiers have been sent to Aleppo (the second Syrian city), where the battle rages, while Assad's air forces bomb the rebels fleeing Damascus, in an escalation of violence which, within a few days, has transformed the small hotbeds of revolt in the Syrian provinces into an assault on the capital.

The images arriving from Damascus tell of a city set on fire, cut down, even in its residential districts, by rockets and artillery barrages. In battles, as always, civilians are also involved, wounded, killed or forced to flee their homes.

All this while Turkey, which represents the northern border of Syria, has closed its borders, preventing the passage of any vehicle between the two countries and while the West (it is news today that half of the UN ambassadors have left Syria) looks on and the accusations and barbs between Russia and the United States rebound.

