
Single allowance January 2025: when will the payment arrive and why is it late? The dates and the news

In January 2025, the payment of the Single Allowance will be postponed by a few days, with credits starting from January 20th for those who already receive it. Here's why and what's new for 2025

Single allowance January 2025: when will the payment arrive and why is it late? The dates and the news

A January 2025,Assegno Unico will arrive a little later delay, with payments which will start from the week of 20st January. If there is a balance, instead, we will have to wait until the end of the month. The delay is due to the adoption of a new management system, King.Tes (Reengineering of Treasury procedures), which requires some technical adjustments.

In 2025, moreover, there are some news: the renewal of the Allowance will be automatic and there will be small increases for the youngest, as well as simplifications for families with lower incomes.

When will the Single Allowance arrive in January 2025?

Il payment ofAssegno Unico relating to the month of January 2025 will be credited starting from from the week of January 20th. No changes are expected compared to previous periods, so the amounts will be the same as in previous months, unless otherwise communicated.

For those who need to receive a balance, the credit will be made by the end of the month, so between 27 and 31 JanuaryThe adjustment may be a credit, if the amount to be received is greater, or a debit, if there are sums to be repaid.

Il delay in payment of the Single Allowance of January It was caused by the time it took to update the calculations following the changes envisaged by the 2025 Budget Law.INPS He specified, via his official Facebook profile, that the dates of the payment calendar are indicative and that the credits generally take place by the end of the month.

The Re.Tes system and the changes in the Single Allowance in 2025

Il Re.Tes system is one of the main innovations introduced in 2025. Active since January 1st, this new payment management system was developed thanks to the collaboration between INPS, Bank of Italy , State General Accounting Office and concerns all non-pension state payments, including the Single Allowance. In simple terms, it is a new computer system created for simplify le procedures administrative and align them with the most modern payment instruments. But as often happens with technological changes, it will take a few weeks to properly integrate the system.

What's new about the Single Allowance in 2025

In 2025, the Single Allowance presents several important changes. One of the main ones concerns the tax treatment: the sums received will no longer be considered in the ISEE, thus simplifying access to various social benefits, such as the nursery bonus (which can reach up to 3.600 euros for families with an income of less than 40 thousand euros). Furthermore, for the first year of the child's life, the amount of the Check will be increased 50%.

Will there be increases? The Single Allowance will have a slight increase, but nothing dramatic. In 2024, the maximum amount had increased by about 25 euros, but for 2025 the increase will be more modest. INPS is waiting for the rate of revaluation definitive by theIstat, which will be communicated in mid-January, to update the amounts, including any arrears. The provisional rate for 2025 is 0,8%, so no major changes are expected.

Automatic renewal and simplifications for low-income families

For beneficiaries who already receive theAssegno Unico, renewal will happen automatically, provided that theISEE be updated by February 28, 2025. INPS has sent a communication to all beneficiaries, inviting them to update their data via the pre-filled Single Substitutive Declaration (DSU).

Furthermore, families with an ISEE lower than 25 thousand euros will have the possibility to request an increase in the Single Allowance, with the aim of reducing economic inequalities.
