
Silicon Valley: Revolt Against Trump

As many as 97 Silicon Valley companies have joined together to file a legal action against the anti-Muslim ban imposed by the US president: "It is discriminatory and a very serious damage to companies that seek the best talent in the world"

Silicon Valley: Revolt Against Trump

Google, Facebook, Apple: all against Donald Trump. As many as 97 Silicon Valley companies (the only big ones absent from the list are Amazon and Tesla) have joined together to present to the local California Court of Appeal a legal action against the ban imposed by the US president on those coming from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Syria.

The document signed by the giants of the new economy defines Trump's executive order as "illegal", which has already been blocked by a federal judge in the state of Washington.

The action taken by the 97 companies is formal support of the lawsuit filed by Washington State. The concern of the companies, for which many immigrants with a Green Card work, is that with Trump's ban "many work visa holders who work hard in the United States, contributing - they write - to the success of our country" may have difficulty.

The document presented to the Court of Appeals reads that "Trump's executive order is discriminatory on the basis of nation of origin and religion" and that it can be very harmful for the United States and companies that seek the best talent in the world to take.

“Immigrants or their children have founded more than 200 of the companies on the Fortune 500 list,” the document continues, specifying that Trump's order “represents a significant departure from the principles of fairness and predictability that have governed the immigration system of the United States for more than fifty years. The controversial executive order also causes significant damage to American business, innovation and development.
