
Brescia iron and steel industry: Fim-Cisl asks Nave to withdraw layoffs

Cisl metalworkers asked, in the meeting held at the Ministry of Economic Development in Rome, that the 141 layoffs in the Stefana di Nave steel plant be withdrawn pending a possible sale of the plant - The ministry's commitment to probe Beltrame and Duferco

Brescia iron and steel industry: Fim-Cisl asks Nave to withdraw layoffs

It was held yesterday at the Ministry of Economic Development the meeting between the Stefana Spa company in composition with creditors and the trade union organizations Fim, Fiom, Uilm, in the presence of the Mayor of Nave and other local institutions, to address the serious problem of the industrial and employment prospects of the production site in Via Bologna in the locality of Nave in the province of Brescia, after the opening of the collective dismissal procedure launched on 8 March for 141 workers initiated by the insolvency procedure in early March and after the issuing of six unfortunately unsuccessful notices of sale, of which the last expired on 1 March 2017.

Stefana in composition with creditors during 2016 sold the production units of Ospitaletto to Esselunga for the construction of a logistics platform for the central north; that of the Montirone steelworks to Alfa Acciai for the integration of its activities; and that of Nave Via Brescia to the Feralpi iron and steel company, which has restarted the activity of the rolling mill. In recent months it seemed that the sale of the Nave Via Bologna plant could also take place where steel beams were produced, this also in the face of the interest shown by a series of companies, including Acciaierie Beltrame of Vicenza and Duferco of S. Zeno Naviglio, which however have not had a positive outcome at the moment.

I 141 workers were affected by the redundancy fund by way of derogation which, however, expired on February 28 of this year and are now suspended from work with heavy uncertainty about wage integration. “The FIM-CISL – reads a note released by national secretary Nicola Alberta – requests that the collective dismissal procedure by Stefana be withdrawn or at least suspended, in an arrangement with creditors, and that a measure of support and wage integration be sought with the Ministry of Labor and the Lombardy region. In today's meeting, the MiSE undertook to resume contacts with Acciaierie Beltrame of Vicenza and Duferco of S. Zeno Naviglio to verify if the conditions exist to be able to materialize the expressed interest. At the same time, the ministry accepted the trade union request to convene Federacciai to promote and support the process of relaunching and occupying the Brescia steel system. It would be serious if all the possible alternatives to layoffs were not followed, in Nave and in the province of Brescia there are all the conditions of a territorial context to revive the plant and to give the workers a perspective ".
