
Drought: purified waste water, to irrigate and fertilize the fields saving money

The experimentation was carried out for two years by Hera, in collaboration with Enea and the University of Bologna, with a loan of over one million euro

Drought: purified waste water, to irrigate and fertilize the fields saving money

use the purified wastewater forirrigate and fertilize the fields, satisfying up to 70% of the irrigation water needs of the Emilia-Romagna Region and also reducing the costs for fertilizers by about 30%. These are the objectives of a new project coordinated by Enea and implemented with the participation of the Interdepartmental Industrial Research Center "Renewable Sources, Environment, Sea and Energy" of the University of Bologna. As part of the project, the prototype of a system for the reuse of purified water intended for the irrigation of peaches and tomatoes was developed and successfully tested at the purifier Ivy of Cesena.

Coverage of water needs by 70% and up to 32% lower costs for fertilizers

Experiments show that with this system it is possible to satisfy up to 70% of the regional water requirement. Furthermore, thanks to the use of purified waste water which, unlike mains water, already contains some nutrients necessary for plant growth, savings are obtained, for example in the case of peach cultivation, of 32% nitrogen and 8% phosphorus.

Over one million euros of investments

La experimentation, which lasted about two years and which will continue in the context of other project contexts, was carried out at the purification plant of Cesena where an automated prototype was created for the quality control of secondary and tertiary effluents for the purpose of their subsequent reuse in an experimental field with 66 peach trees and 54 industrial tomato plants. The experimental project for the recovery of water discharged from the purifier was able to count on a total budget of over 1 million and 100 thousand euros, of which almost 800 thousand euros financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region and co-financed by the Fund for Development and Cohesion (FSC).

The Hera Group and the reuse of water

“This experimentation, aimed at improving the recovery of purified water – he underlines Susanna Zucchelli, Hera's Water Director – fits into the perspective of a circular economy system, through the reuse of water resources. The purification of waste water, which in itself represents an action of recovery and environmental protection, is further enhanced through their reuse, with the characteristics of these waters, channeling them directly into the experimental field set up at the via plant Calcinaro, with the prospect of generating a positive environmental, social and economic impact for the Cesena area in the future".

Louis Petta, project coordinator and head of the Enea Laboratory of Technologies for the efficient use and management of water and wastewater, added: “The results obtained highlight the applicability of the technological chain, developed in prototype form within the VALUE CE- IN, to all purification plants to guarantee an unconventional water source that is safe, economically convenient and able to supply nutrients to crops, in line with the new community guidelines in force since 2023. All this with the aim of promote the implementation of best practices for the benefit of supply chain stakeholders, from plant managers to reclamation consortia up to the automation, control and measurement sector”.
