
Shopping: how much feelings and emotions cost us

QVC, the multimedia shopping and entertainment retailer, has carried out research that analyzes how much emotions influence our spending - Men think about their partner more than women do, but only on special holidays - We spend 41 for a friend euros, but for love we can go up to 450 – This is how much feelings count in our shopping.

Shopping: how much feelings and emotions cost us

QVC, the multimedia shopping and entertainment retailer has performed research on social dynamics and launches an Observatory which aims to investigate consumer behavior, the trend of the main markets for consumer goods and remote commerce and the different platforms used.

The research was conducted on a sample of 29,8 million individuals, weighted by gender, age and geographical area of ​​residence. Then, the data collected was compared with those obtained previously (2011 and 2014), so as to highlight the areas of growth and deflations.

The first element that emerges from the research concerns an increase in the value of feelings proportional to the economic recovery: Italians have started spending money again to show their affections. Men are mainly responsible for this increase, who in the years of recession had cut this kind of costs.

The gender connotation is decidedly evident, as regards the recipients of the gifts, the occasions and the amounts invested.

Usually, men think about their partner more than women do, who also direct their generosity towards their children (19,1%, compared to 11,4% of men), friends (12,9% against 10,7% men) and other relatives. Furthermore, men tend to demonstrate their feelings on holy days, in particular Valentine's Day (30,9%), while women prefer to express their feelings extemporaneously, without the need for a particular occasion.

In the economy of feelings, friendship and love have different values. The first involves spending around 41 euros, while the second can lead the individual to spend up to 450 euros, depending on the level of involvement. In any case, forgiveness costs quite a lot: around 197 euros. Among the product categories, the research shows that 14,6% of gifts concern gastronomic products, 13,8% clothing, 9,8% jewellery, 9,2% experiences (invitations to dinner, weekends, concerts). Beauty products which account for 7,3% remain a female prerogative: women's favorite gift for friends and sisters.

The research also identified a rather marked territorial distinction that identifies Sicily as the region where feelings have the highest value: the average expenditure is around 277 euros, i.e. 108 euros more than the national average. Followed by Liguria and Piedmont (236 euros), Campania (134 euros) and Triveneto (120 euros); Lombardy, Emilia, Tuscany and Lazio close.

QVC has also explored the theme of emotions, revealing how they have a higher value than feelings. In detail, 222 euros are spent to arouse euphoria, 170 euros are invested to stimulate joy, cheerfulness and happiness; expressing one's complicity costs 162 euros; arouse surprise, 160 euros; entertain, 145 euros. Women focus mainly on clothing (16% against 4% male) and food (16,7% against 8,3%). Men, on the other hand, rely on jewels (12%) and electronic products (11,4%) to stimulate emotions.

Also in this case, Sicily proves to be generous, but is overtaken by Ca company that is willing to spend 339 euros to give an emotion. In these two areas, as well as in Lazio, the focus is on clothing and accessories to obtain the desired effect. Gastronomy holds the record in Lombardy and Triveneto; electronics, in Piedmont and Liguria; experiences, in Emilia and Tuscany.
