
Senate: first the Government, then the commissions

Today the parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement will occupy the Chamber and Senate in protest – Meanwhile, the Left, Ecology and Freedom has filed a bill in the Senate to abolish Porcellum and return to Mattarellum.

Senate: first the Government, then the commissions

The conference of group leaders of the Senate decided "by a large majority" to postpone the constitution of parliamentary commissions "until after the constitution of the government". This was announced by the president of the senators of the Democratic Party Luigi Zanda, explaining that the minority position in favor of the start of ordinary parliamentary work was supported by the 5 Star Movement and by Sinistra ecology and freedom. "Naturally - specified Zanda - there is maximum openness to verifying other solutions where necessary, also through the hypothesis of setting up other special commissions".

The matter is no small matter, considering that yesterday the group leaders of the Movement 5 Stars they had announced the intention of their parliamentarians to occupy the halls of the House and Senate today from the end of the session to “midnight and a minute”. The grillini will read the Constitution and the regulations in protest at the non-establishment of the standing commissions.

An initiative condemned by Zanda: “Parliament is the place where we talk, we discuss – he said -. We have the group leader, the special commission, the assembly that is working to examine the measures that are proposed to it. I think the threat to occupy the chamber is not democratic, it is not parliamentarily correct. On the issue of the work of the Senate and Parliament in general we must always be ready to review our positions but we must be very careful not to do so in conditions such as the threat of occupation of the courtroom or other forms of violence, even passive ones”.

Meanwhile, Left ecology and freedom has filed a bill in the Senate to abolish Porcellum and return to Mattarellum. “While there are those who waste precious time playing games in the Palazzo – said Loredana De Petris, Sel's group leader in the Senate -, the senators of the Left Ecology Freedom have filed a bill aimed at repealing the current electoral law, the so-called Porcellum, which has miserably failed to guarantee the governability of the country. A single article for the return to Mattarellum. It is an obligatory path, the only possible one, to overcome this very serious institutional deadlock which does not allow solutions to be found to the country's many problems”.
