
Senate, fiscal delegation at risk

The text returns to the Senate Finance Committee: another seven days for a new exam, but the budget session is about to begin at Palazzo Madama – Baldassarri: “The delegation is postponed to dead father”.

Senate, fiscal delegation at risk

La tax delegation returns to the Senate Finance Committee, canceling the exam started in the Chamber yesterday morning. This was decided by the group leaders of Palazzo Madama, with the risk, however, of running aground in Parliament.

With the return to the committee, there will be another week to examine the text again and then bring it back to the Chamber in seven days. But the budget session is about to begin in the Senate and the times for the fiscal delegation could thus lengthen, with the risk of not receiving the parliamentary go-ahead.

“There is a check in progress – said the leader of the PDL in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri – to understand whether, during the budget session, the fiscal delegation can be discussed or not. I believe that we will vote after the stability law, around 20 December, but there are those who hope before”. 

The return to the Finance Committee for the tax delegation would be motivated by the discontent in the majority on some rules. In particular, the senators would be against the immediate merger of the tax agencies from December (desired by the Government) and would prefer a six-month postponement. There also seems to be doubts about the measures relating to the abuse of rights and the conflict of interests.

According to the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Mario Baldassarri (Fli), the tax delegation “is postponed to dead father. It is clear – Baldassarri said – that the go-ahead for the tax delegation will not arrive until after Christmas. It's a mess, what should I do, start the exam from the beginning? It is not possible. It is the first time that an entire measure has been postponed. If they want to block the process, they should do it in the Chamber with the obstructionism”.

If the tax delegation were to fail, the measures that will never see the light include the reform of the cadastre, the conflict of interests with the possibility of deducting receipts from the tax return, the revision of tax breaks, tutoring for businesses , the exclusion from the new IRI for professionals, the new taxpayers' statute, simplifications for businesses and citizens and the unification of tax agencies.
