
Senate at work on the financial bill

The Finance commission of Palazzo Madama begins the examination of two measures, one of the Pd and one of the Pdl, which aim to favor the new issue - The objective is to allow companies and in particular SMEs easier access to the market of credit.

Senate at work on the financial bill

A new profile of the "financial bill" is underway in the Senate. The goal is to allow businesses, and in particular small and micro-businesses, easier access to the credit market. The Finance commission of Palazzo Madama begins the examination of two measures - one of the Pd, first signatory Luigi Lusi, and one of the Pdl, of Anna Bonfrisco - which precisely aim to favor the new issue.

An instrument - explains Senator Bonfrisco - which, despite being governed by law 43/1994, has not been disseminated, also for regulatory reasons. Yet “it constitutes a short-term and flexible alternative to the issuance of bonds, an ordinary method of medium-term debt. An instrument used by non-banking entities, precisely businesses”. Bonfrisco's proposal envisages that the bills of exchange should be issued by those companies which have obtained the certification of their financial statements and the evaluation of ratings and scoring carried out by external subjects.

The bill of the Democratic Party is more articulated, which distinguishes between listed and non-listed companies, providing for the establishment of the dematerialized financial bill. The first signatory, Lusi, explains: "The proposed text intends to revitalize the corporate debt market, in conditions of transparency and security of public savings, similarly to what has already been happening for some time in other advanced economies with respect to which our country is increasingly called to compete”. The commission will start the examination of the two texts to then arrive at the identification of a basic text.
