
Simplification: Infocamere, Unioncamere, Accredia agreement for the exchange of business data

Agreement between Infocamere, Unioncamere and Accredia for the simplification of certified companies – Within this year the Chambers of Commerce will acquire information directly from Accredia on tens of thousands of companies that have voluntarily obtained the certification of their management system

Less bureaucracy for companies with certified business management systems. Within this year, in fact, the Chambers of Commerce will acquire directly from Accredia - the single national accreditation body recognized by the State - the information relating to the tens of thousands of companies that have voluntarily obtained the certification of their management system (for example certifications quality and environmental). The details of the certifications will be disclosed through the Companies Register.

This is the purpose of the signed agreement by the General Manager of Accredia, Filippo Trifiletti, the Secretary General of Unioncamere, Claudio Gagliardi and the General Manager of InfoRooms, Valerio Zappalà. Thanks to the agreement, entrepreneurs who have obtained certification for their company will no longer have to send the details to the Chambers of Commerce, but the Chamber itself will acquire this information directly from Accredia, with obvious savings in time and costs for the businesses.

The agreement also provides for a periodic monitoring, by InfoCamere, of the changes in the personal data of the companies contained in the database managed by Accredia.
