
Seminar by the Kuliscioff Foundation and Firstonline on the reform of the labor market

THE KULISCIOFF FOUNDATION AND FIRSTonline are organizing today an invited seminar in Milan on the topics of labor market reform at the heart of the Jobs Act - Here is the discussion platform in which scholars, industrial relations experts, trade unionists, managers and entrepreneurs will participate.

The seminar promoted today in Milan by the Kuliscioff Foundation and FIRStonline on the reform of the labor market brought about by the Renzi government's Jobs Act and on contractual policies will start from the assumption that the most important real guarantee for development and employment is a strong recovery of competitiveness of the “Italian system”. This requires a profound change that is first of all cultural. These are the basic points of reference:

1) If competitiveness on the markets is the result of the efficiency of the entire system, it is necessary to build a single contractual model for the private and public sectors which favors decentralized contracting and allows an effective exchange between the quality of products and services on the one hand and wages on the other. For these reasons, the preferential taxation of the productivity wage negotiated in the company should be extended and strengthened to the whole world of work.

2) If we want to reduce precariousness, it is necessary to limit the reintegration envisaged by article 18 to discriminatory cases only, but it is also necessary to initiate effective active labor policies starting from the outplacement contract, rewriting the entire labor code in simplified and understandable terms.

3) The social forces are called to a challenge in which the future of the country is at stake, in which the exercise of a role is closely linked to the responsibility that they derive. Since the representativeness of workers' organizations (as well as that of employers) is under discussion to legitimize the signing of contracts, criteria and rules become fundamental. which will constitute the founding elements of the new trade union unit. This must be seen in relation to articles 39, 40 and 46 of the Constitution.
