After the announcement of the Chief of Police, Franco Gabrielli, the document also arrives. It's online on Ministry of the Interior website the new self-certification form (the fourth in just over two weeks) that anyone leaving home must use to travel and avoid very onerous fines.
Speaking of the many changes made to the model in recent days, the Chief of Police, Franco Gabrielli, clarified; “ironies have been made. We don't do it because we don't know what to do or not to do, but we do it because the provisions clearly change and we need to update them, also to intercept” the questions that come from citizens.
The last change was only three days ago, but the decree approved by the Government on March 25 required a further update.
Compared to the previous version released on March 24, in addition to the declaration of not being subjected to quarantine and not being positive, the new model requires citizens to declare that they are aware of the rules imposed by the latest government decree, the one that came into force on 25 March, and of the measures adopted at the regional level.
Movements can be made for reasons of work, health, urgency or situations of need. As for then the movements to be made for "situations of necessity", the self-certification explains various reasons:
- medical visits,
- assistance to relatives or people with disabilities,
- assistance to people in need,
- child custody obligations,
- crime reports,
- return from abroad,
- other particular reasons.
Finally, the new self-certification contains the reference to new fines for those who violate the rules which, we recall, range from 400 to 3.000 euros. Better not to take the matter lightly: from 9 to 25 March over 200 people were checked and 5.774 were reported.
Download the new self-certification form