
School, WeSchool supports the return to class

The Italian platform that allowed a quarter of secondary schools to remain open during the lockdown collects 6,4 million euros
by P101, TIM Ventures and CDP Venture Capital Sgr and launches the challenge of integrated teaching.

School, WeSchool supports the return to class

WeSchool, the startup that has been helping teachers with a digital classroom platform and courses on innovative teaching methods since 2016, closes a 6,4 million euro capital increase subscribed by P101, lead investor with the P102 and Italia 500 funds - Azimut , TIM Ventures, CDP Venture Capital Sgr, Club Digitale and Club Italia Investimenti 2.

WeSchool has 1,7 million registered users and allows teachers to share materials and videos, do exercises, discuss with students and innovate classroom teaching with group work, instant tests and with methodologies such as the flipped classroom or the teach-to-learn, in which the students – supported by the teachers – are at the center of the learning process.

During the lockdown, the platform - the only Italian one of the three indicated on the Ministry of Education website - was used for distance learning, allowing more than 1 million active users every day from smartphones or computers not to interrupt continuity didactic. "The remote learning of the lockdown, sometimes ineffective due to lack of adequate tools or because it repeated the frontal dynamics of the classrooms, had the extraordinary effect of increasing the digital skills of the entire Italian school", he says Marco De Rossi, founder and CEO of WeSchool.

"This will allow us with the back to school to spread more and more the integrated teaching model in which we believe, in which technology is used both in the classroom and at home and is at the service of the teacher to make teaching ever more engaging and cooperative ”. “The education and training sector in general are undergoing a profound transformation: increasingly digital life requires that skills be formed in a coherent and flexible environment. WeSchool today represents the platform within which teaching and its actors can find what the school as a whole needs for this evolution that the lockdown has only accelerated", he added Andrea Di Camillo, Managing Director
P101 partner.

"TIM Ventures has believed in WeSchool since its inception, investing from the beginning in the new innovative teaching that is becoming increasingly important", said Carlo Nardello, President of TIM Ventures and Chief Strategy, Customer Experience and Transformation Officer of TIM. "Participating in the growth of a platform that has now become one of the digital infrastructures of Italian schools once again confirms the central role of TIM in the digitization of the country". "Education, digital training and integrated teaching are priorities for an Italy that is restarting", he commented Francesca Bria, President of CDP Venture Capital Sgr. “Rethinking the school, in the light of the ongoing transformations, is fundamental for the future of our country, to support the talent of teachers and students it is necessary to strengthen the new digital learning methodologies. WeSchool placed itself at the service of schools with vision and effectiveness during the Covid-19 emergency and we are pleased to support an Italian platform with strong growth capabilities in such a strategic sector in the belief that education and knowledge are at the heart of the democracy".
