
School: back to school on Saturday too, no short week

A ruling by the Tar della Ligura could make teachers and teachers return to school even on Saturdays, putting an end to the short week adopted by many institutions in order to save on expenses. The first to adopt the "new week" will be high schools.

School: back to school on Saturday too, no short week

Goodbye to the Corsican week. Over the past two years, many schools (80% of high schools) have decided to shorten the week, concentrating lessons from Monday to Friday. The reason is obvious: saving on heating, water, electricity and so on. But many institutions could soon back down.

On 8 January, the Tar of Liguria accepted an appeal against the decision of the Province to cut a day of the school week presented by the Liceo Classico Chiabrera of Savona.

The judges argued that imposing "from above" on schools to close on Saturdays is a real abuse against school autonomy.

Immediately the Cogede, coordination of the democratic parents of Liguria, requested the regional school manager to enforce the sentence in all schools.

At this point, therefore, it is probable that from next year many Italian provinces will decide to comply with the sentence of the Ligurian Tar, shortening the daily hours and making students and teachers return to school on Saturdays as well. The first to "capitulate" could be the high schools that were forced to overlap "heavy subjects in five days", explained Andrea Giacobbe of the CGIL to the newspaper Repubblica.

However, the Tar ruling does not say how to make up for the higher management costs deriving from "the lengthening of the school week", an aspect that instead greatly worries the Provinces and Metropolitan Cities, forced to bear the costs.
