
School, Renzi challenges the opposition: "Either the amendments or the assumptions"

The prime minister challenges the opposition and the dem minority on school: "With 3 thousand amendments, the 100 hires are skipped because there is no time to approve the reform by June to trigger hiring in September" - Renzi has no intention of removing hiring from the reform and warns: "I hear everyone and then I decide"

School, Renzi challenges the opposition: "Either the amendments or the assumptions"

After the electoral defeat in Venice and beyond, Matteo Renzi seems determined to return Renzi 1, the decision-maker, and challenges the opposition, the dem minority and also the unions who are holding up the game on the school reform that is being examined by the Senate but on which 3 amendments are pending.

Yesterday evening at "Porta a porta" the prime minister was clear: either the amendments or the hiring because "with 3 amendments there is no time to hire 100 teachers for September". Now who will take responsibility for postponing the long-awaited recruitment?

Renzi was clear: he has no intention of removing the recruitments from the reform, which at that point would never be approved and asks the opposition and the dem minority to reduce the amendments to a minimum and to allow the final vote in the Senate within a few day in order to have time to re-read the provision in the Chamber and to dismiss it definitively by June, the deadline to start the administrative procedures necessary to trigger the hiring of teachers in September.

It will be interesting to see what the oppositions but above all the unions will do: will they insist in their proposed modifications on the powers of principals and on school-work alternation or will they give priority to hiring, as would be natural for a union worthy of the name? In the next few hours we will understand.
