
School-work: 1 out of 10 companies hosted students

The data comes from the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor - 2015, when the companies that welcomed students were almost 1 out of 10, marked the beginning of the alternating school-work internships expressly intended to high school students.

In 2016, Italian companies willing to host students alternating between school and work will be at least 10% more than in 2015. This is revealed by the Excelsior information system, created by Unioncamere in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour. The figures were disclosed during the fourth edition of the Italian-German economic forum "DIDACTA - Training for the Future", underway today in Rome.

2015, when almost 1 out of 10 companies welcomed students, marked the beginning of school-work placements (provided for by Law 107/2015 and lasting from 200 to 400 hours) expressly intended for students of high school. It is an initiative of particular importance, which for the first time makes the internship in the company an integral part of the training path, calling the system of the Chambers of Commerce, where the "National Register for alternating school and work" is established , to an active role in the meeting between companies willing to host young people and schools that must make this experience an integral part of the training curriculum.

On the other hand, graduates will again this year represent the largest share of the workforce sought by Italian companies in industry and services. 40% of the hiring planned in 2016 is intended for those with a high school diploma, a further 20% will concern professional qualifications, 13%, however, will concern degrees.

In finding all the staff they intend to hire during the year, companies on average report a difficulty that will affect only 12% of the profiles sought. However, this percentage is higher in the north of the country (14%), in companies with at least 250 employees (15%) and for high-skill professions, i.e. managerial, specialist and technical ones (22%). Among the productive sectors, it is those of engineering, electronics and information technology that report the greatest difficulties (about one figure out of 4).

If the most requested by industry and service companies in 2016 are graduates in Administration and marketing, Tourism, food and wine and hospitality, Mechanics, mechatronics and energy, those for which companies report above-average finding difficulties are especially graduates in Graphics and Communication, Computer Science and Telecommunications, Industrial and Craft Production. In these cases, the difficulty in finding it reported is between 26 and 19% of the recruitments that this year will concern these specific qualifications.

Among the professional qualifications, the greatest opportunities offered by companies in 2016 will concern the Catering, Wellness and Mechanical sectors. Difficulty of finding more than 20% is instead reported for the addresses Clothing, Thermo-hydraulic systems and Wood.

All the results of the survey are available, also at provincial and regional level, on the Excelsior website (
