
School to change: didactic autonomy and participation at the center of the project of the Associations and trade unions

Associations of the school world and trade union organizations present working tables to make those who live in the school "speak up" and block the differentiated autonomy of the Government

School to change: didactic autonomy and participation at the center of the project of the Associations and trade unions

The project of the interassociative tables of the school world starts from Rome. The press conference of the most important professional associations of the school was held at the Newton high school: Aimc (Association of Italian Catholic teachers), cidic (Centre for Teachers' Democratic Initiative), MCE (Educational Cooperation Movement), Proteus Making Know. Strengthened by a historic alliance, the Associations met the confederal trade unions of the school Flc Cgil, Cisl-Scuola and Uil-Scuola for the presentation of the initiative "The school takes back the word", with the aim of setting up inter-associative tables for the relaunch of autonomy, already starting from the beginning of the next school year. The school reflects the crisis of participation in the country's political and social life and it is time for new choices. In reiterating this, Dario Missaglia, national president of Proteo Fare Sapere, underlined the need for the school to return to being a community, a place of participation, overcoming the fragmentation and individualism that have gradually emerged as a result of an increasingly competitive social model. Since the XNUMXs, the value of the participation that the school had had for so many years has disappeared. For this it is necessary to occupy spaces of individual and collective responsibility and to rediscover the dialogue between different points of view, he said Anna D'Auria representing the Educational Cooperation Movement, hoping to overcome loneliness and the technical-bureaucratic drift that characterizes the teaching function today. New spaces for social participation therefore open up which, as the great pedagogist stated Bruno Ciari, are vital for the school to fully fulfill its educational task.

The school against differentiated autonomy.

With the initiative presented to the unions, the Associations intend to relaunch autonomy as a resource and not as a mere corporate tool, putting the work and professionalism of teachers back at the center of the school. It is possible to overcome the managerial and bureaucratic drift, making the most of didactic and organizational autonomy as a tool for the professional culture of teachers and managers. Joseph Desire of the Italian Association of Catholic teachers, in reiterating the urgency of overcoming educational poverty in Italy, said that for the future of the school, the meeting and contribution of all is necessary, for this we want to be for and not against. Then, to counter inequality, the right to study must be guaranteed with a school that keeps up with the times, he said Valentina Chinnici of the Teachers' Democratic Initiative Center, invoking the full implementation of Art. 3 of the Constitution. union representatives, Gianna Fracassi for the Flc CGIL, Naomi Ranieri for the UIL-School e Michael Sorge for the CISL-School, in sharing the unitary requests of the Associations, they have assured their support for the establishment of the interassociative tables, which will start in the schools in September. They also expressed their opposition to the government's project of differentiated autonomy, which risks fragmenting the country and multiplying inequalities and educational poverty.
The school, as the President recalled Sergio Mattarella, instead it has the task of unifying the country and it is the task of the state to recover this role. The school world must therefore be able to express a positive protagonism for a new project of democratic change. Essential, for this, is the reconquest of the spaces for social participation that fifty years ago were opened by the Collegiate Bodies, giving a voice to all the school staff.
