
Escort to Bentivogli (Fim-Cisl) for attacks and death threats

“The climate of resentment and hatred is cultivating the seed of widespread violence which needs to be stemmed: times change but the reformists, the real ones, who put their face in without fear of any intimidation, continue to risk their lives in a Country that has lost its memory

After months during which attacks and death threats were repeatedly delivered to him, the UCIS - the public safety department - in coordination with the Prefectures of Rome and Ancona have decided to assign an escort to the Secretary General of the Fim Cisl metalworkers Marco Bentivogli.

Bentivogli's positions with respect to the transformation of the labor market and the first-person management of the most delicate and serious disputes in the country, such as for example on Ilva but also on issues concerning FCA, exposed the trade unionist to numerous attacks and threats from individuals and groups. “The climate of resentment and hatred is cultivating the seeds of widespread violence which must be curbed – commented the general secretary of Fim Cisl -. The brakes on the sense of responsibility have gone off which should be the precondition of any public debate. And this happens every day through the work of anonymous people and personalities who have lost the sense of limits and set fire to the dust of those who have never disposed of the bottle bottoms of populist ideological extremism”.

“Times are changing – continued Bentivogli in commenting on the threats suffered – but the reformists, the real ones, who put their faces forward without fear of any intimidation, continue to risk their lives in a country that has lost its memory and in which populist fanaticism is well welded with ideological extremism. It is unacceptable that those who fight to modernize the country starting with the union itself still find today a united reaction front of all those who want to turn back the hands of the clock of history”.
