
Francesco Forte, economist and former minister, disappears

Francesco Forte, distinguished economist, great tax expert and several times socialist minister has died. He took the chair at a very young age, succeeding Luigi Einaudi. He has written over 60 books and many students and economists have trained on his Financial Science books

Francesco Forte, economist and former minister, disappears

Farewell to Francesco Forte, originally from Busto Arsizio and who passed away at the age of 92. After being a student of Ezio Vanoni, Forte became one of the most expert Italian economists on taxation and, by virtue of his studies, he had the honor of becoming a full professor at an early age, called by Luigi Einaudi to succeed him on the chair of Finance Sciences at the University of Turin. Entire generations of students and economists have read and studied his texts: he has written over 60 books.

In 1982, Forte, who combined the scholar's expertise with political passion and made no secret of his sympathies for Bettino Craxi's PSI, became finance minister in the fifth Fanfani government and subsequently minister of community policies in the Craxi government.

After his ministerial career, he returned to his studies and resumed teaching Political Economics at the Sapienza University of Rome.

Between 1988 and 1991 it was also mayor of Bormio, a well-known tourist resort in Valtellina.

He had recently finished writing a four-handed book with Maria Luisa Trussardi entitled "Fashion and Luxury Fashion in the Third Millenium" for the publisher Rubettino.
