
Strike on Friday 26 May, Frecce and Intercity ok but other trains at risk for Fs and Italo: here are the timetables and the guaranteed ones

From 9 to 17 trains may be canceled or changed, with the exception of Emilia Romagna. The lists of guaranteed trains are available on the Trenitalia, Italo and Trenord websites

Strike on Friday 26 May, Frecce and Intercity ok but other trains at risk for Fs and Italo: here are the timetables and the guaranteed ones

trains at risk for the day of Friday 26st May because of one strike 24-hour general. The protest, scheduled for tomorrow 26st Maywill affect workers in both the public and private sectors. Inconvenience therefore for those who will have to use trains, buses, trams and subways throughout Italy (the areas affected by the flood are excluded). Inconvenience also expected for schools and public offices, with the exception of the aviation sector (strike postponed to 4 June). Who called the train strike on Friday 26 May and who are at risk?

The protest was launched by the autonomous USB confederation, with the support of USB PS and Fisi. Between reasons for the strike, the excessive entrustment of services to private companies and the new procurement code, while the requests range: salary increase of 300 euros, one million new hires in the sector, the abolition of VAT, the ceiling on the prices of goods before necessity, the minimum wage to 10 euros and the reduction of working hours to 32 hours for equal wages. Here are the trains at risk for tomorrow.

Strike on Friday 26 May, Trenitalia: "Regular Frecce and Intercity"

The staff of the Italian FS Group cross your arms from 9 am to 17 pm. “Regional trains may undergo changes or cancellations, while there are no changes to circulation for long-distance trains. Regular Arrows e Intercity“, informs Trenitalia adding that “union agitation can lead to changes to the service even before the start and after its conclusion. For information, you can contact the free call center on 800 89 20 21”.

It is also always possible to check your train on the official websites and channels Trenitalia. There are nonetheless guaranteed trains.

The Italo and Trenord trains are also at risk

Stop the trains too Italo, always from 9 to 17, which has published the list of guaranteed trains.

The staff of Trenord, generating repercussions for the whole day on some railway lines. "From 00:00 to 23:59 on Friday 26 May 2023 a strike is planned which the personnel of the infrastructure manager Ferrovienord could join and which could have repercussions on the railway traffic of the Milan Cadorna - Canzo / Asso, Como Lago lines , Novara Nord, Varese/Laveno Nord, Brescia/Iseo – Edolo” as well as on the “suburban lines S2, S3, S4 and, for the section managed by Ferrovienord, also the lines S1 Saronno – Milano Passante – Lodi, S9 Saronno – Seregno – Milan – Albairate and S13 Milan Bovisa – Pavia” and for “the airport connections Milan Cadorna/Milan Central/Milan Porta Garibaldi – Malpensa Airport and S50 Malpensa Airport – Bellinzona”, reported Trenord. However, there are some guarantee bands.
