
General strike: tensions throughout Italy, policeman seriously injured in Turin

The day of anti-austerity strikes, called by CES, involves most of the EU countries - Parades in over 25 Italian cities: riots everywhere, in Turin a policeman seriously injured by demonstrators.

General strike: tensions throughout Italy, policeman seriously injured in Turin

The strike wave anti - austerity launched by the European Trade Union Confederation (CES) in 23 countries of the European Union also overwhelms Italy, with a four-hour general strike (called by the CGIL) and numerous demonstrations in major cities. The strike, called by the CGIL, would be out of solidarity with the "only rigor policies that are fueling dangerous recession processes in Europe as in Italy", but also intersects with purely national issues, continuing the protests of 20 October to change the law of stability. 

A general strike will also be held in Spain and Portugal, while marches and demonstrations are planned in France, Belgium and Greece, just a few days after last week's strike. "We are facing a historic moment for the European trade union movement," commented Fernando Toxo of the Spanish trade union Comisiones Obreras.

There are many at the moment the riots in the more than 25 cities where marches are being held. The most serious case in Turin, where thousands of demonstrators raided the Revenue Agency, burning documents, to then occupy the construction site of the Intesa San Paolo skyscraper. The procession continued up to the Palazzo della Provincia, where an agent was seriously injured by about twenty self-employed persons, who would have surrounded and beaten him. The policeman was hospitalized in the Mauritian.

In Naples, protesters occupied the station. Clashes between demonstrators also in Brescia, Padua, Milan and Rome, where some militants of the Student Block (far-right formation close to Casa Pound) attempted to break through a cordon of the police forces, to go towards Palazzo Chigi. Two policemen and a carabiniere would have been injured in the scuffles.

