
School, Maturity changes: here is the new exam

The Miur has released the circular containing the new rules for the maturity. The news will start this year and the changes are substantial: from written tests to school credits and access criteria, here's what changes

School, Maturity changes: here is the new exam

The Maturity exam changes again. Starting from the 2018-2019 school year there will be two written tests and not three, to which the traditional oral exam will be added. Changes also to school credit, which will have a higher score.

The Miur published today, 4 October, the circular containing the new rules for the Maturity. Students attending the last year of secondary school will do well to sharpen their ears today because the news is many and of primary importance.


The number of written tests for the final exam drops from three to two. The Italian test, scheduled for 19 June, will be followed on 20 June by the second test relating to the disciplines characterizing the study paths (for example, Latin or Greek at the classical high school, etc.). Via the third test therefore: the written exam containing questions and answers is definitively retired.


The first test, that of Italian common to all, will be regulated differently. Seven tracks divided into three types. In fact, there will be three and no longer four choices available to students:

  • Type A: analysis of the text: in this case it will be possible to choose between two different authors (no longer one as in the past). Different literary texts may be proposed from the Unification of Italy to today.
  • Type B: analysis and production of an argumentative text: three tracks available.
  • Type C; critical reflection of an expository-argumentative nature on current issues. Two tracks available.


News is also planned for the second test. In detail, they are introduced "national evaluation grids which will be provided to the commissions for a more homogeneous and fair correction. The grids will also be there for correcting the Italian test”, specifies the Miur.


The requirements for accessing the final exam have changed. It will not be necessary to participate in the INVALSI test, nor to attend the School-Work Alternation.

Admission will depend on the frequency scholastic - it will be necessary to have completed at least three quarters of the expected number of hours - and to have sufficient marks both in all study disciplines and in conduct.

The Class Council may decide to admit a student to the exam “also with an insufficiency in a discipline or group of disciplines evaluated with a single vote, but will have to justify his choice”, explains the ministry.


The final vote, as per tradition, will be expressed in hundredths, but the credits accrued in the three-year period will have more value: up to 40 points out of 100 from the current 25.

The committee will be able to assign the remaining 60 points: a maximum of 40 for the two written tests (20 each) and 20 for the oral interview. The minimum score to pass the exam remains fixed at 60 points.

It is also possible to assign a "bonus" up to 5 points: but only if the student has obtained a school credit of at least 30 points and an overall result in the exams of at least 50 points.

In January, the subjects of the second test will be communicated to the students. The ordinance relating to state exams will be published in February.
