
Fencing, the Youth World Championships sponsored by Cattolica in Verona

The Fencing World Championships for the Cadet and Youth categories are underway at the Cattolica Center in the Venetian city – exceptional testimonial is the champion Valentina Vezzali.

Fencing, the Youth World Championships sponsored by Cattolica in Verona

I'm going to Cattolica Center in Verona, until 9 April, the World Fencing Championships for the Cadet and Youth categories. The event, which sees the participation on the platform of over 1.250 athletes representing 130 countries (for Italy there are 40 athletes, between males and females), has one of the main sponsors in Cattolica Assicurazioni, which also provides the structure, which bears the name of the group. The other two main sponsors are Banco Bpm and the Veronese utility Agsm. The event was also attended by fencing champions of the present, such as swordsman Rossella Fiamingo, and legends of the past such as the multiple Olympic and world champion Valentina Vezzali.

“We are proud – said the president of Cattolica Paolo Bedoni – in the light of the investments made over time, to be the venue for the fencing world championships for young people: the structure has been readapted and rearranged for the occasion so as to be able offer athletes the best conditions for competing, with comfortable and high-tech training and qualifying areas. This event is of great importance not only for our Company, but for the whole Verona area”. For CEO Alberto Minali, "the fencing world championships represent an opportunity for great visibility for our city, chosen to host a prestigious event and to admire an event that attracts athletes from almost 130 countries".

Minali also wanted to underline the meaning of the values ​​that drive them, thanks to which they will be able to achieve their goals. “Values”, concluded Minali, “that we feel are ours, that we are trying to spread to achieve the our business plan and our new communication and image policy, in which the new generations are and will be the protagonists of a cultural change based on precise concepts: merit, talent, desire to grow".
