
Schaeuble: no Draghi-Weidmann conflict

The German Finance Minister: the banking union will not be able to be implemented quickly, but the project remains more feasible than the hypothesis under discussion of a European Authority under the aegis of the ECB.

Schaeuble: no Draghi-Weidmann conflict

Between the president of the ECB Mario Draghi and the number one of the Bundesbank Jens Weidmann "there is no conflict". This is the opinion of Wolfgang Schaeuble, German finance minister, who today from Frankfurt lowered the tone of the debate on the "extraordinary measures" coming from the Eurotower, indirectly suggesting that the two bankers could reach an agreement. 

Schaeuble added that the decisions taken by the ECB should be respected and not discussed in public by lawmakers, because doing so undermines the independence of the European Central Bank. 

To date Draghi and Weidmann have been divided on the anti-spread shield project that the former Bank of Italy number one will bring to the Governing Council tomorrow. Last week, the German central banker even threatened to resign in protest against the purchase of government bonds by the ECB.

As for the banking union chapter, Schaeuble discouraged easy enthusiasm. According to the German minister, it will not be able to be implemented quickly, but the project remains more feasible than the hypothesis under discussion of a European Authority under the aegis of the ECB: "Such an agglomeration of responsibility is feasible only if the States renounce sovereignty".
