
Unblock Cantieri, after the controversy comes the agreement

The agreement provides for the suspension for two years of some points of the Procurement Code, as requested by the League - "Long and cordial" phone call between Salvini and Di Maio this morning

Unblock Cantieri, after the controversy comes the agreement

After almost 24 hours of disputes and yet another appeal from the Premier, Giuseppe Conte, Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle reach an agreement on the Sblocca Cantieri decree.

The announcement came in the early afternoon from sources from Palazzo Chigi. The two parties in government managed to agree on the procurement code, the issue on which a tough battle had taken place which risked turning into a real institutional crisis.

In fact, the positions of Lega and M5S seemed irreconcilable: on the one hand the Carroccio, which through an amendment proposed to suspend the procurement code for two years and to refer only to European legislation, on the other the pentastellati representatives, totally opposed to this eventuality.

The two group leaders in the Senate, Romeo and Patuanelli, explain the details of the agreement: "After also discussing with the rapporteurs, we will propose to the Senate, among other things, what has already been agreed in the committee, i.e. an amendment that provides for the suspension of some relevant points of the procurement code for two years, pending a new definition of the rules to free businesses from unnecessary bureaucracy". And they specify: "In particular, the thresholds already in force for subcontracting will also be guaranteed and the safety obligations for companies will be safeguarded".

“You never believe me when I tell you that I am optimistic and that problems are solved. We've been working on it since last night. Then between people of common sense the agreement is found”, he said Matteo Salvini. “The League and I were interested in building sites being unblocked, bureaucracy being cut and going back to fixing up a school, a road, a gym, a retirement home was simple because the code for procurement invented by the left blocked everything and everyone. If there is an agreement, it will go ahead and Italy will unblock itself”, he concluded at the end of a meeting in Ferrara.

On the matter, in the morning, he arrived Conte's appeal, addressed in particular to the League: “Time is short, please. The super-amendment that calls into question an entire system on which we have worked for months with friends of the League by collecting all the requests of operators and stakeholders risks creating chaos ".

“This super-amendment – ​​the Prime Minister had said again – brought about another 400 amendments, also from the oppositions. I have tried to represent to the League that there are very few days left for the conversion. We are in the Senate. And we have to go to the House. From a technical point of view (I've been a jurist for 30 years) it's a bit complicated to understand. In essence, wanting to freeze the procurement code, he proposes an unlikely reminiscence of the old code which is now repealed ”.

The agreement was also preceded by a "long and cordial" phone call between the two deputy prime ministers, who have returned to talk to each other after the quarrels that characterized the long phase of the electoral campaign that preceded and in some ways also followed the European elections. An initiative also positively evaluated by the Premier who “later his press conference yesterday the leaders of the two majority forces have returned to talking to each other – sources from Palazzo Chigi tell Ansa -. The return to dialogue is a good premise - just as hoped for yesterday in the premier's speech - for proceeding in the right direction".

We recall that after Monday's summit at Palazzo Chigi, this morning the president of the Senate had to take note of the internal rift in the majority and postpone the debate that the Palazzo Madama hall should have started today to Wednesday morning at 9,30. The problem is that time is running out, since the Sblocca Cantieri decree must be converted into law by 17 June, worth the forfeiture.
