
Savings and energy efficiency: Acea adheres to "M'illumino di meno"

Tonight ACEA will turn off the lights of the Rome offices in Piazzale Ostiense and of ACEA Energia at Eur. On 18 February, for International Energy Saving Day, the Company launches a national awareness campaign on the responsible use of energy

Savings and energy efficiency: Acea adheres to "M'illumino di meno"

That supports the 2023 edition of "I light up less", an initiative promoted by the Caterpillar broadcast of Rai Radio 2, in order to raise awareness among the population on the issue of energy savings and efficiency.

This evening, February 16 from 19.00 to 21.00, the company will turn off the lights of the Rome offices in Piazzale Ostiense and that of ACEA Energia in Eur.

February 18: International Energy Saving Day

The initiative will also be repeated on February 18, on the occasion of the International Energy Saving Day.

The other companies of the Group, such as ACEA Energia, ACEA Ato 2, ACEA Ato 5, ACEA Innovation, ACEA Ambiente, Areti, Acquedotto del Fiora, Geal, participate with similar actions in their offices located in Umbria, Tuscany, Lazio and Campania. Gesesa, Umbra Acque, Nuove Acque and Umbria Energy.

The goal is to contribute spread a culture for a conscious use of power consumptions to combat climate change.

An awareness campaign is underway

To strengthen the awareness message, Acea will also launch a dedicated campaign the importance of adopting virtuous behaviors and avoiding useless waste of energy, for example by promoting the use of LED bulbs and low-consumption appliances.
The campaign will be featured on the social media channels of the Group companies adhering to the initiative and in the main national newspapers.
The 20 edition of Acea Scuola will also be online from 2023 February “We protect the environment”, an educational project dedicated this year to Energy and Sustainability, available on ACEA website for two weeks.
